A num­ber of texts on ques­ti­ons of value and money in the online maga­zi­ne Makro­skop, some of which in my opi­ni­on are ske­wed, have moti­va­ted me to wri­te some­thing fun­da­men­tal­ly theo­re­ti­cal on this topic again. I have tried to pre­sent the con­nec­tions in a some­what sys­te­ma­tic way, start­ing from Marx — so that hop­eful­ly even tho­se inte­res­ted in eco­no­mics who are not so fami­li­ar with this line of theo­ry can under­stand it. So, in effect, an intro­duc­tion to the basics of Mar­xist value and money theo­ry from my point of view: https://makroskop.eu/12–2023/wert-und-geld/ Here is a trans­la­ti­on of this text in Eng­lish: value and money — Krämer